Tuesday, January 14One Stop Realty and Real Estate News

Clovis Realtor: How Fitness Impacted Our Daily Life

Fitness is all about our ability to carry out daily activities without fatigue. A fit person will strive through all daily chores with a balanced workload and nutrition. 

Back in the day in Clovis, where all people, business owner even Clovis realtor, were physically active. All of them were attached to do activities in the old ways, with no technology support. However, things have changed a lot.

Our lifestyle has attached to technology so much that we do very little physical activity to keep up our fitness. In addition, our job force demands us to stay glued to a healthy lifestyle and nutritious food. That is why people surrounding Clovis would need to change their habit towards fitness and healthy lifestyle.

Clovis community has numerous fitness figures that focus on this issues, one of them is Mike Kersten. Mike is Certified precision nutrition, he once became the p90x coach and got the opportunity to work with Tony Horton (Master trainers) and Bill Phillips (Writer of body for life book). That being said, he is surrounded by a healthy environment and has the expertise to guide every single person to this nutritious style.

Mike’s role in this camp is to teach fitness in a very general and broad sense, to make everyone feel better and get into their shape. Further guide every individual to be able do various things with a healthy lifestyle.
Tune in to the live discussion below. Linda Peltz got a glimpse of fitness and healthy lifestyle and how it could affect the Clovis community, especially Clovis realtor and Clovis homes for sale.

How Does Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Work? – Clovis Realtor

Some people may think fitness and health is just a tiny whisper. But it is actually that important and gives a lot of impact to our daily lives, especially the ones with a high physical job. 

One day a woman with one of those jobs asked Mike to do a miracle job on her body. Mike wasn’t sure about what she asked, and directly questioned her: “What are you willing to do to get that body?” She stumbled, and couldn’t barely answer the question.

In short, health and fitness isn’t a one man job, it’s a two way relation of our goals and sacrifice to get there. Mike can’t control her health but he can provide his expertise and advice to guide her to that position.

It’s the same input to Clovis homes for sale, where buyers and sellers need to compromise each other. To make the transaction happen, there are numerous steps and regulations needed down the road. So it’s not necessarily an instant process for every Clovis homes for sale.

Moreover, Linda Peltz as Clovis realtor agrees with Mike’s statement, that this is not an immediate result and people need to have commitment towards this. By the time they commit to the goals, they can achieve any shape and healthiness. Further, the daily work that requires a high physical job for construction, real estate workers and Clovis homes for sale.

Health lifestyle and fitness guide from Clovis Realtor | Linda Peltz

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Great Plan Result in Successful Fitness

If successful people reach their goals by planning their daily day and business. Then it’s possible for people to get in shape and healthy by planning the same for their meals.

One great piece of advice from Mike to the Clovis community and Clovis realtor: Honor your habit and honor your meals once you can, because health is the only thing that matters in the current situation. Especially during this pandemic state, where healthiness determines our antibody against the viruses.

In some cases, people would lose their weight significantly from a strict diet. But this does not guarantee that they will maintain the same shape in the long run. It could go up to 30 pounds or more in weeks. Sometimes this is caused by not paying attention to your habit or no fitness trainer existence to guide you during the process.

To learn more about fitness and how you could be successful in this habit, consider contacting Linda Peltz and Mike Kersten in details below!

Mike Kersten



Realtor Linda Peltz


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