Tuesday, January 14One Stop Realty and Real Estate News

Tag: Organization

Coaching in Organizations: Driving Change for Growth with Dr.Watts

Coaching in Organizations: Driving Change for Growth with Dr.Watts

Organizational transformation, the process of reshaping a company's structure, processes, and culture, is essential for addressing challenges and capitalizing on new opportunities. Companies that resist transformation often find themselves struggling to keep up with competitors, technological advancements, and market demands.  This video discussion between Linda Peltz realtor Clovis CA and Dr. Watts explores how businesses can effectively navigate the transformation process, creating an agile and sustainable organization.Tune in to video below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LtNH2TvyIY The Overview of Organizational Transformation Organizational transformation is a holistic approach that involves reshaping the company's internal operations and aligning them with str...